School Excursions
Part of the work in most curriculum areas is undertaken outside the classroom. These excursions may involve travelling from the school to other venues. In all cases where movement away from the school is necessary, permission to hold them must be given by the Principal and parents must sign an excursion form giving permission for their child to take part. Adequate supervision is always provided. Parents are invited to accompany and participate whenever possible.
School Incursions
To enhance the curriculum, incursions are often organised. These happen at school, usually during school hours. Incursions may include artistic performances, guest speakers and presenters from the broader community and guest authors. Like excursions and camps they enrich the curriculum and connect students with the broader community.
School Camps
Our camping program begins with the Foundation- Year 2 BBQ and Year Two sleepover held at school in December each year. Camps are conducted offsite from Years 3-6. They offer students the opportunity to experience different environments and living conditions. They encourage independence in a friendly and supportive environment and are related to the curriculum. All camps are conducted according to strict Department of Education guidelines.